Mella Luna Healing
Dawn R. Tule, LCMT
Description of Services

AAEH (Animal Assisted Energy Healing)---How would you like to include your animal in your healing journey?

Our animals presence is a great comfort to us, and for many of you who have experienced an animal communication session with me, they have amazing insight into our lives and the areas within us that need healing.

The relationship between you and your animal will take the healing and compassionate support you receive to a deeper level.

The potential for healing in this powerful space is unlimited!

During your AAEH session (Animal Assisted Energy Healing), you are invited to bring your animal friend, or a picture of your animal friend (hard copy). I'll connect in with that animal and set an intention to work with them in partnership for your highest healing potential.

In person or zoom sessions are available. Please contact me for questions or to set up your session!

Custom Bodywork Services --Enjoy a custom combination of Healing modalities to Balance Body, Mind, and Spirit. Modalities may include: face reflexology, energy healing, massage therapy, cupping, essential oils, body drumming, and tuning forks.

Facial Reflexology ---Designed by Lone Sorensen, this technique combines three ancient healing therapies with modern science of neurology.  Facial stimulation works through the Central Nervous System to specific organs and systems to regulate your blood, lymph, and body system.  Achieve full body balance with these custom treatments!

Intuitive Energy Healing ---A combination of different energy techniques are used to provide a custom treatment for your specific needs. This type of healing releases blocks from energy centers and promotes relaxation and balance for all systems on a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level.

Oracle Card Readings---These are personal Individual readings offered in person or via Zoom call. You can explore themes coming up for you in the next 3 months, or ask a question to receive clarity and insight on a specific topic or issue in your life.                                                       All Zoom readings are recorded for future reference and reflection! Bringing a journal and pen is suggested for taking notes at in-person readings.

Shamanic Healing Services ---Services may include: private Shamanic Journey + counseling, Power Animal retrieval, body drumming, and Intuitive energy balancing and healing. During a shamanic journey you will meet with your Power Animal and guides to receive Healing, and clarity around any issues you are currently experiencing. During a shamanic journey you will meet with your Power Animal and guides to receive Healing, and clarity around any issues you are currently experiencing. No prior journeying experience needed.Please call with any questions prior to scheduling.

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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